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  • Arlene

Welcome to our Hobby

What started as a Christmas gift giving idea (on a very tight budget) ended us in a full time love for engraving and creating gifts and memorabilia for every occasion.

We started with a $20 air eraser from Harbor Freight, an air compressor from a pawn shop, and tools that needed cleaned off. Soon the air eraser found it's way to a window in our hobby shop and we began engraving around leaves. In the beautiful Idaho fall weather, and all the colored leaves falling from the trees. We had an assortment of big and small leaves that we continued to etch around to make a camouflage effect on our window.

At this point we couldn't put the air eraser down, after building a sand blasting cabinet out of a Tupperware box and cleaning gloves, we started engraving on random glasses we had around the house. It was also time to start thinking about Christmas and gift ideas. We wanted to do something personalized for all of the family and good friends. I pulled out my craft supplies and found some plain plastic ornaments, and fun Christmas decorations. After a trip to Hobby Lobby we started adding names to the ornaments with the air eraser and stencils. I proceeded to stuff the ornaments with fake tree branches, berries and snow. Soon I placed an order to Amazon for some stencils with Christmas designs to add to the ornaments. This became our Christmas Ornament that you can find on our page.

Not wanting to do just ornaments for everyone, we started engraving on other more personal items. Mom needed a new coffee mug, a family friend needed a new beer stein and we had a few bottles that were getting filled with our annual Christmas Kahlua. You can see all of these items below in the gallery. Needless to say our air eraser that was bought to clean rust off of tools, was now becoming a everyday tool, with endless ideas.

The love of our new hobby didn't stop when Christmas was over. Stay tuned, to learn more about our next projects as we started a new year.

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